International News

Chicago Mayor says all welcome to pursue American dream including Pakistan

WASHIGNTON, Jan 26 (APP): In a growing defiance, mayors of American
cities are vowing to defend all immigrants regardless of their legal status as President Trump signed an executive order threatening to halt funds to municipalities that did not cooperate to find undocumented aliens.
“I want to be clear: We’re going to stay a sanctuary city. There is
no stranger among us. Whether you’re from Poland or Pakistan, whether you’re from Ireland or India or Israel and whether you’re from Mexico or Moldova, where my grandfather came from, you are welcome in Chicago as you pursue the American dream,” a New York Times report quoted Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago city as saying.
Mayors of cities from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and smaller cities,
including New Haven; Syracuse; and Austin, Texas have said they were ready for a protracted fight with the new administration on the issue of immigrants.
“We’re going to defend all of our people regardless of where they
come from, regardless of their immigration status,” Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said at a news conference with other city officials, the report said.
Issuing an executive order on Wednesday, President Trump threatened to
stop funds for the so-called “Sanctuary cities and counties” which have said they will not cooperate with federal immigrant officials to arrest undocumented immigrants, and some of them have even vowed to provide funds to law firms which will take up the cases of these immigrants.
Mr. Trump, however, did not indicate how extensive the cut would be in
funding for cities which will show defiance against his intended intentions to deport illegal immigrants he says are close to 3 million. Mr. Trump also announced a build a wall along the border with Mexico to sport illegal entry to the country.
New York City is slated to receive $8.8 billion in federal funding to
support several programs and fill the gaps in the city’s $84 billion budget. Some of the funding that is meant for counter-terrorism efforts are unlikely to be affected.
The report citing the Immigrant Legal Resource Center said that at least
39 cities and 364 counties nationwide count themselves as sanctuary jurisdictions. The city of California, a major stronghold of Democrats, whose party candidate Hillary Clinton lost to Mr. Trump in the presidential election, is leading the cities offering sanctuary.
A group of California State Senators said they plan to fight the
executive order in the court as it violates the constitutional right of a state to decide on enforcing federal statutes.
New York City Mayor de Blasio said the president’s order would
threaten the relationship between the police and residents because undocumented immigrants would be hesitant to cooperate with law enforcement.
“To anyone who feels threatened today, or vulnerable, you are safe in
Boston. We will do everything lawful in our powerful to protect you. If necessary, we will use City Hall itself to shelter and protect anyone who’s targeted unjustly,” said Mayor Walsh of Boston, the most strongest statement so far against the President’s move against undocumented immigrants.