International News

Chinese media praise Trump’s ‘experience and ideology’

BEIJING, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Chinese state-run
media lauded Donald Trump Tuesday after a phone call between him and President Xi Jinping, saying that the president-elect’s emergence could mark a “reshaping” of Sino-American
The pair spoke Monday, when Xi said that the two powers needed to
co-operate and Trump’s office said the leaders “established a clear sense of
mutual respect for one another”.
On the campaign trail Trump frequently demonised Beijing, but questions
have been asked whether his conduct in the White House will match his promises
as a candidate.
Monday’s conversation was “diplomatically impeccable and has bolstered
optimism over bilateral relations in the next four years”, China’s frequently
nationalistic Global Times newspaper said in an editorial.
Barack Obama, whose foreign policy pivot to Asia alarmed Beijing, was
“profoundly affected” by the Cold War-shaped outlook of American elites, the
paper said, but Trump’s views “have not been kidnapped by Washington’s
political elites”.
“Trump is probably the very American leader who will make strides in
reshaping major-power relations in a pragmatic manner,” it added, saying his
ideology and experience “match well with the new era”.