International News

Clashes as Yemen ceasefire nears end

SANAA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP): Yemeni government forces and rebels were
engaged in fierce fighting as a 48-hour ceasefire declared by the pro-government Arab coalition approached its end Monday, military officials
Fifteen rebels and nine loyalist troops were killed in clashes
overnight in and around the flashpoint southwestern city of Taez, military and medical sources said.
Four civilians were killed and 11 others wounded in rebel bombing of
loyalist-held neighbourhoods, the sources said.
Early Monday, forces loyal to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi
attacked Shiite Huthi rebels and their allies on the western outskirts of Taez, military officials said.
The offensive, coming hours before the midday (0900 GMT) scheduled
end of the ceasefire, targeted an air defence base, the officials said, while witnesses reported loud explosions.
Four of the Huthi casualties were killed in an air strike by the
Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting the rebels since March 2015, when insurgents expanded their control and forced Hadi into exile.
Coalition warplanes have also hit rebel positions in Nahm, north of
rebel-held capital Sanaa, and in the Huthi’s heartland in Saada province,
witnesses said.