International News

Clinton trolls Trump on Twitter: ‘Delete your account’

your account.”
Hillary Clinton’s snarky tweet Thursday to her White House rival Donald
Trump was among the funniest of the campaign. Almost as funny as it was awkward.
The message by the 68-year-old former secretary of state — actually
written by a young staffer, a Clinton aide told AFP — was in response to the latest broadside by Trump, who had commented on how “Obama just endorsed
Crooked Hillary” on Thursday.
“He wants four more years of Obama – but nobody else does!” the
presumptive Republican nominee added.
When Clinton trolled back, social media exploded.
Within two hours her message was retweeted 200,000 times, making it
“the most retweeted tweet of the campaign!” according to Clinton’s social media director Alex Wall.
With “Delete your account,” Clinton, who has struggled to connect
with young voters, embraced the quick-witted dry humor of America’s millennials.
But it also triggered ferocious comebacks from her critics over use
of a private email account while she served as America’s top diplomat — a scandal she has been unable to shake.