International News

EDF’s CFO quits over plan for new British nuclear power plant: source

PARIS, (APP/AFP): The chief financial officer of French
energy giant EDF, Thomas Piquemal, has resigned over a disagreement about the feasibility of an ambitious project to build Britain’s first new nuclear power plant in decades, a source close to the matter told AFP on Sunday, confirming a Bloomberg report.
“The chief financial officer presented his resignation last week to
Jean-Bernard Levy (CEO) because of a disagreement over Hinkley Point,” the
source said.
EDF — Electricite de France (EDF) — is 84.5-percent owned by the French state. It is a major player in the British market through a subsidiary.
Last October, EDF signed a historic deal with China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) to build the plant, located at Hinkley Point in Somerset, southwest England.
Construction costs are calculated at #18 billion ($25.8 billion, 23.6
million euros).
Opponents have criticised the scheme on strategic, environmental and
technical grounds.
The British government says the plant is essential for meeting Britain’s energy security, as most of the country’s existing nuclear plants are due to close by 2023.