International News

Five changes to Australia after polls

SYDNEY, July 10, (APP/AFP) – Australia’s
ruling conservative government has finally won re-election after a pain-staking count of the ballots cast at July 2 polls, which is still ongoing. Here are five changes
Australians can expect as a result:
– No revolving door PM… yet –
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may have just scraped
through, but after a turbulent period in Australian politics
criticised as a “revolving door” of leadership, he has retained
power. The election came in the wake of three volatile years
in Australian politics, which saw a regular change of prime
ministers — from Labor’s Julia Gillard to her colleague Kevin Rudd, to
conservative leader Tony Abbott and then to his fellow
Liberal Turnbull.
But while there will be no change for now, Turnbull is in
a weakened position after the poll, having lost his comfortable
majority in the House of Representatives and the internal blame
games are already taking place.
– New, reborn MPs –
Turnbull now holds a projected 74 seats out of a total
of 150, according to national broadcaster ABC’s projections.
Labor has gained ground with 66 seats, and there are five
independents and minor parties holding seats. Five seats remain
in the balance.
Gone will be colourful tycoon Clive Palmer, who once hoped
to rebuild the Titanic; but heading to Canberra will be some
new faces, including Labor’s Linda Burney, the first
indigenous woman elected to the House of Representatives. In
the upper house, anti-immigration politician Pauline Hanson
makes a stunning comeback after a near 20-year hiatus,
likely alongside newcomer Derryn Hinch, a long-time
journalist and broadcaster known as the “human headline”.
– Budget fix –
Fresh impetus to make budget repairs has come in the form
of a warning by Standard and Poor’s to place Australia’s
coveted AAA-rating on negative watch from stable. The global
ratings agency said the tight election outcome could lead to
further delays in efforts to reduce rising budget deficits and debt.
Turnbull has said budget savings would be “absolutely a very
high priority” in the new parliament, but he may face problems
in getting them legislated due to the make up of the upper
house Senate.
– Union watchdog –
Turnbull had insisted that restoring a construction
union watchdog was a key plank of the government’s economic plan
and he used two bills on the issue, which were blocked by the
Senate, to trigger a double-dissolution election. On Sunday, he
said it would present the bills to the new parliament, adding that
if the upper house does not pass them, “a joint-sitting (of parliament)
can be held”.
But Turnbull now has to contend with a reduced
majority, pro-union Labor’s higher number of seats and an
increased number of independents and minor parties representatives
in the Senate, so attempts to pass the bills could once
again struggle.
– Another vote
– ================
Yes, but not another general election (at this
stage). Turnbull promised a plebiscite on gay marriage later this
year if elected and had said he wanted it done as soon
as possible.