International News

Five key moments in the Republican convention

CLEVELAND, (APP/AFP) – A fractious
Republican convention wrapped up Thursday with Donald Trump accepting the party’s White House nomination. Here are some key moments from the four-day gathering in Cleveland.

– Floor fight –

When the convention was gaveled in on Monday, it didn’t take long for
tensions over Donald Trump’s nomination to bubble to the surface.
What should have been a routine floor vote on arcane party rules erupted into a public revolt by anti-Trump Republicans.
Having lost the primary and several behind-the-scenes battles the “Never Trump” movement showed it was not going to roll over and die — even if it meant a damaging public brawl.

– Echoes of Michelle –

Melania Trump’s debut in the political big league Monday was a speech full of earnest warmth, except the words weren’t entirely hers.
It transpired that Trump’s third wife, an ex-model, had included sections from a speech given by First Lady Michelle Obama in 2008.
The Trump campaign’s ham-fisted response — denying allegations of
plagiarism, dismissing them as a media-generated controversy, then tacit
admission, then having a speechwriter own up — only fueled the scandal and
made Team Trump look inept.
– ‘Vote your conscience’ –

When Texas Senator Ted Cruz walked onto the convention stage at prime time Wednesday, Team Trump had some hope that a unifying endorsement might be in the offing.
Fat chance. Cruz, popular on the right of the party, not only declined to endorse but actively encouraged his conservative backers not to vote for the mogul. “Vote your conscience,” he said.

– ‘Lock her up!’ –

If Republicans in Cleveland agree on nothing else, it was that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is bad.
Speakers lined up to denounce Clinton for the deaths of their loved ones and for putting national security at risk. On Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a former federal prosecutor, went as far as convening a mock trial, seeking to convict the former first lady and secretary of state.

– Trump –

Thursday night, an unsmiling Donald Trump struck a martial tone in
accepting the Republican presidential nomination, vowing to restore security to an America he sees as surrounded by danger.