International News

France’s Macron edges towards presidential bid

PARIS, (APP/AFP) – France’s rising
political star Emmanuel Macron dropped more strong hints of his presidential ambitions on Tuesday, saying he wanted to lead his new political movement “to 2017 and to victory”.
The 38-year-old economy minister set up “En marche” (On the move) in
April to the consternation of many of his Socialist Party colleagues, who see it as a challenge to the authority of embattled President Francois Hollande.
While Macron stopped short of declaring himself a candidate for next
year’s presidential race, he told supporters at a meeting late Tuesday: “We will carry (the movement forward) together to 2017 and to victory”.
“From tonight, we have to be what we are, which is the movement of
hope,” he told 3,000 supporters gathered in Paris in an address that bore a strong resemblance to a campaign speech.
In an apparent dig at Prime Minister Manuel Valls — who has
expressed annoyance at Macron’s initiative — he added that his vision for France has “upset” some because “it will upset the established order”.
The timing of Macron’s speech, two days before Hollande gives his
traditional Bastille Day TV interview, had raised eyebrows.
“It’s high time all this stopped,” Valls said earlier Tuesday in an
exasperated aside to TV cameras.