International News

German satirical TV show hits back at Turkey’s Erdogan

BERLIN, March 31, (APP/AFP) – A German satirical TV
show that sparked a diplomatic row with Turkey over media freedom has fired another salvo by re-broadcasting a song lampooning President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — with Turkish subtitles.
“Perhaps Erdogan didn’t understand the piece,” presenter Christian Ehring said of the tune “Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan” that ridicules the president, his alleged extravagant spending and crackdown on civil liberties.
“So here it is again, this time with Turkish subtitles,” Ehring said in Wednesday night’s screening of the “extra 3” programme on regional public
broadcaster NDR, hailing Erdogan as Turkey’s “greatest comedian”.
Ankara last week called in the German ambassador to protest at the song and demanded it be pulled off the air.
The spiralling controversy has made the two-minute clip a YouTube hit
viewed millions of times.
Ehring quipped that if Erdogan, the show’s new “employee of the month”, wanted to hear critical views, he should watch “extra 3”, and that “if he doesn’t want criticism, he better meet the chancellor” Angela Merkel.
Merkel’s government has drawn fire over its delayed public response to the spat and its reluctance to directly criticise Erdogan, with the EU relying on Turkey to limit the flow of migrants to Europe.