International News

Guatemalan conservation group denounces activist’s death

GUATEMALA CITY, (APP/AFP): A Guatemalan conservation group
on Friday lashed out against the killing of one of its leaders, weeks after the murder of a Honduran indigenous activist prompted an international outcry.
Walter Mendez of the Association of Forest Communities of Peten
(ACOFOP) — who campaigned against deforestation and hydroelectric projects in Guatemala’s northern Peten region — was found dead at his home on Wednesday, his body riddled with several gunshot wounds, the organization said in a statement.
“He had received death threats from illegal invaders of the land who
publicly denounced him because of the causes he championed,” the group said.
Mendez was also a member of the Peten Front against Dams, which
opposes hydroelectric projects on the Usumacinta River, the organization added.
ACOFOP joins more than 20 peasant and indigenous groups to help
manage forests in Guatemala’s government-run Maya Biosphere Reserve near the border with Mexico and Belize.
Mendez’s death is the latest act of repression against Central
American activists following the murder of Berta Caceres, an indigenous leader killed in Honduras earlier this month, and her colleague Nelson Garcia two weeks later, ACOFOP said.