International News

Indian Defence Minister was irresponsible and it could disrupt the already initiated peace process between both countries.

Defence analyst Major General (R) Farooq Hameed said the statement of
Indian Defence Minister was irresponsible and it could disrupt the already initiated peace process between both countries.
India was against the development and progress of Pakistan, so that’s
why it was creating baseless propaganda to malign the image of Pakistan but it would fail in its nefarious designs.
Chairman Nazariya Pakistan Trust Zahid Malik said that Pakistani
leadership wanted to improve relations with India, but it was New Delhi which was not serious in reciprocating. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become a hostage in the hands of nationalist and extremist hindus and his policies were divisive, he added.
Senior analyst Dr. Shaheen Akhtar said the statement of Indian defence
minister could derail the peace process initiated between both countries as a result of back door diplomacy. The confrontation was not in favor of both Pakistan and India and it would harm the process of development and prosperity in the region, he added.
Former ambassador Fauzia Nasreen said that Indian Defense Minister
should have behaved responsibly while talking about sensitive issues like Pakistan and India relations.
She said it was an unfortunate attitude and its effects would be
entirely negative for the general atmosphere of the region.
Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts must be credited for making global community
realize the position of Pakistan, she said and added the world has acknowledged Pakistan’s sacrifices and role in global war on terror.