International News

Indonesia gets new anti-terror chief as threats rise

JAKARTA, (APP/AFP): Indonesia Wednesday installed a
prominent police general as its new anti-terror chief at a time when the Muslim-majority nation faces a rising threat from citizens flocking to join
jihadists in Syria.
Tito Karnavian’s promotion to head of the National Counter Terrorism
Agency came two months after a suicide bombing and gun attack in Jakarta claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group left four attackers and four civilians dead.
The agency has been strongly criticised for its failure to stop
hundreds of Indonesians going to Syria to join IS, and for its inadequate programmes to rehabilitate terror convicts in prison.
One of the Jakarta attackers was an extremist who had spent
years in jail, and police believe Indonesian radicals fighting in Syria may have had a role in planning the attacks along with others currently behind bars back home.
Karnavian was promoted to head the agency from his role as Jakarta
police chief. In the past he has also headed the police elite counter-terror unit, which has enjoyed considerable success in tackling militancy.
“I am very happy to return to my natural habitat of
counter-terrorism,” he told reporters as he was inaugurated at the presidential palace in Jakarta.
He said one of his priorities would be taking on radicals in Poso, a
militant hotbed on the central island of Sulawesi where an extremist group has pledged allegiance to IS.