International News

Iran deal signatories meet as Trump deadline looms

Iran deal signatories meet as Trump deadline looms

Vienna, (MILLAT ONLINE):Iran was expected Friday to resist US pressure to toughen the 2015 nuclear deal as time runs out to
meet President Donald Trump’s ultimatum to fix the accord by May 12.
Trump has said that if the deal between Iran and six big powers, which curtailed Iran’s nuclear
programme in exchange for sanctions relief, is not “improved” by then, he will withdraw.
In particular Trump says that the “terrible” agreement does not address Iran’s ballistic missile
programme or Tehran’s activities in the Middle East.
In addition, parts of the agreement are due to start expiring in the mid-2020s.
Iran, which according to the UN atomic watchdog has been abiding by the deal since it
came into force in January 2016, has ruled out any changes to the agreement.
The talks in Vienna on Friday, a regular review of the accord, involved Iran, senior US official
Brian Hook and representatives of Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany.