International News

Japan’s spinning otter twirls its way to internet glory

TOKYO, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – A zoo otter in Japan has spun
its way to internet glory in a video that shows the animal locked in a dizzying twirl.
The images, posted by the Fukuoka City Zoological Garden, show
three-year-old male otter Genta spinning for 20 seconds while holding
a rope in his mouth and dangling in the air.
Zookeepers have dubbed the plucky otter’s moves the “dynamic tornado”.
“Genta has spun for more than five minutes at a time before,” a zoo
spokesman told AFP.
Several of the zoo’s eight otters like twirling on the rope too, although it’s not exactly typical for the web-footed mammal.
“Twirling (outside of water) isn’t necessarily a natural behaviour for otters,” the zoo spokesman said.