International News

Jeers, boos: anti-Trump delegates mount ill-fated revolt

CLEVELAND, (APP/AFP) – Republican delegates
angered by the imminent presidential nomination of Donald Trump launched a loud, disruptive protest Monday on the floor of the national convention, before their revolt was ultimately quashed.
The confrontation had been widely anticipated, but the extent of the
tension on day one of the gathering in Cleveland was an open question — and
the turmoil appeared to catch many delegates off guard.
Several hundred anti-Trump delegates seeking to change the convention
rules so that they could opt out of voting for the real estate mogul roared their disapproval after being denied the chance to debate the changes or have a full vote on them.
“Shame! Shame!” some shouted, as pro-Trump delegates yelled back. The
convention screeched to a halt for several minutes, and in an extraordinary
moment rarely seen in modern-day nominating conventions, several delegates
stormed off the floor in protest.
At 4:08 pm local time, New Hampshire delegate Gordon Humphrey cupped
his hands and shouted out to the convention chairman demanding a “parliamentary inquiry” about the roll call vote on the rules, which anti-Trump delegates had hoped would serve as a strong protest vote against the provocative billionaire.
His request was drowned out by the hubbub in Quicken Loans Arena.
Amid the jeers and shouting, the rules were adopted.