International News

Jordan agrees one-off aid for Syrians blocked at border: UN

AMMAN, (APP/AFP) – Jordan has agreed to a
one-off aid delivery to more than 100,000 desperate Syrians
blocked in the desert no-man’s land on its northeastern border,
the United Nations said.
Jordan closed the border to both would-be refugees and
aid agencies after a June 21 suicide bombing claimed by the
Islamic State group killed seven soldiers near the makeshift
desert camp.
“We have negotiated with the government for an intervention…
to create packages that will include food as well as non-food items
that we will get to the people at the berm” marking the frontier,
the executive director of the UN’s World Food Programme, Ertharin
Cousin, told AFP.
“But the Jordanian government has been very clear with us
it is a one-time intervention,” she added in an interview on
Cousin said the details of the aid delivery were still being
worked out with the UN Children’s Fund and the International
Organization for Migration and she could give no firm date for