International News

Laos’ Plain of Jars recreated in virtual reality

SYDNEY, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Australian archaeologists announced plans Wednesday to recreate Laos’ mysterious Plain of Jars as a three-dimensional virtual reality experience, that could one day see museum visitors walk through remote dig sites. The Plain of Jars, in Laos’ central Xieng Khouang province, is scattered with thousands of stone vessels but scientists have yet to discover their original purpose. Archaeologists have struggled to access the jar sites, many of which have yet to be cleared of unexploded mines and bombs dropped on the country during the Vietnam War. But Australian researchers now say that their use of drones which capture 3D images every 10 centimetres (3.9 inches) would allow them to explore sites like these that cannot be assessed in traditional ways. “The potential especially for places like Laos where there’s a serious UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) problem is that using remote technology to explore and map archaeological sites is incredibly useful,” Dougald O’Reilly from the Australian National University’s (ANU) school of archaeology told AFP. “It decreases the danger of working in these places.”