International News

Majority seek ouster of Norway minister, govt could fall

Majority seek ouster of Norway minister, govt could fall

Oslo, (MILLAT ONLINE):Norway’s Christian Democrats on Monday refused to back a rightwing justice minister who had triggered outrage with a shocking Facebook post, a move that could end up toppling the minority government.
The refusal means a majority in parliament are in favour of a vote of no-confidence to be held on Tuesday against Justice Minister Sylvi Listhaug of the anti-immigration Progress Party, a member of the three-party centre-right coalition.
Listhaug shocked the nation when she accused the opposition Labour Party, which was targeted by rightwing extremist Anders Behring Breivik in a 2011 massacre, of favouring the rights of terrorists over national security.
The stakes are high — Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s entire government hangs in the balance. Solberg has said that if there is a majority against Listhaug, she will call a vote of confidence in the entire government.
“The national committee of the Christian Democrats has indicated that it does not have confidence in Listhaug,” party leader Knut Arild Hareide said after the Christian Democrats concluded their meeting.
“It therefore asks Erna Solberg to take measures to avoid the vote of no-confidence tomorrow,” he added.
He was referring to the possibility of moving Listhaug to another cabinet post, an option that Solberg has excluded so far, according to media reports.
Listhaug’s resignation is largely seen as unlikely, but other possibilities do exist. The Christian Democrats could decide to ultimately vote against the no-confidence motion, after having pushed the question to the limit to get Listhaug to resign.
If the government were to fall, Norway would hold new elections, Either Solberg or the head of the opposition would simply be asked to form a new government.