International News

Nepal recalls India envoy, cancels president’s visit

KATHMANDU, (APP/AFP) – Nepal has recalled its
ambassador to India and cancelled an upcoming visit by its
president to New Delhi, officials said Saturday, further
straining ties between two neighbours after months of tension.
Deep Kumar Upadhyay was recalled to Kathmandu late
Friday after allegedly siding with the Nepali Congress opposition
in supporting a threat by the Maoist party to topple Prime Minister
K.P Sharma Oli’s government, sources said.
Nepal’s parliament was thrown into chaos last week after
the Maoists threatened to pull out of the ruling coalition and
dislodge the prime minister — a move reportedly also backed by
India. The Maoists later decided to continue supporting the
“He (Upadhyay) is close to Nepali Congress and seemed
to play an internal role in the exercise to change the government,
that was the main reason (for his recall),” an official source told
AFP on condition of anonymity. Upadhyay was appointed by the
former Nepali Congress-led government in April 2015.