International News

New British PM May rounds out Brexit cabinet

LONDON, (APP/AFP) – Theresa May was to spend
her first full day as prime minister fleshing out her government on Thursday, after taking office pledging a fresh start as Britain heads towards the EU exit door.
May has rung the changes in appointing her first six ministers,
including the surprise nomination of Brexit campaign figurehead Boris Johnson as foreign secretary and other “Leave” campaigners filling posts.
Now she is set to name the new ministers in charge of the important
health, education, Scotland, work and business briefs.
May replaced David Cameron, who stood down Wednesday following the
referendum in which Britain voted to leave the EU, sparking political turmoil, and volatility on the financial markets.
May, who had supported Britain’s continued EU membership, appointed
leading “Leave” campaigner Johnson to a senior cabinet post while moving quickly to heal divisions sparked by the referendum.
Choosing the eccentric former London mayor to represent the UK around
the world got Britain’s newspapers animated.
While Eurosceptic tabloids rejoiced, the Daily Mirror said the
kingdom’s credibility was left “hanging by a thread” by making the “gaffe-prone” Johnson Britain’s top diplomat.