International News

New Party chiefs named in four provinces in China

BEIJING (China) (MILLAT ONLINE/APP): The central leadership has named new
Party chiefs in four provinces in the latest reshuffle of provincial leadership ahead of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China later this year.
The changes of the top officials in Heilongjiang, Hainan, Gansu and
Shandong provinces, were decided by the CPC Central Committee, `China Daily` reported on Monday.
Zhang Qingwei, 55, former governor of Hebei province, was appointed
Party chief of Heilongjiang. Zhang was formerly an aerospace engineer.
Liu Cigui, 61, was named Party chief of Hainan. Liu, the former head of
the State Oceanic Administration, has been governor of Hainan since February 2015.
Lin Duo, 61, former governor of Gansu, was appointed Party chief of the
province. He was the former Party chief of Beijing’s Xicheng district from October 2006 to July 2010 and later worked in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang and Liaoning provinces.
Liu Jiayi, who holds a doctorate in economics, was named Party chief of
Shandong province. The 60-year-old has been head of the National Audit Office since March 2008.
The former Party chiefs of these four provinces have reached or are
nearing 65, the standard retirement age for ministerial-level officials.