International News

North Korea’s latest nuclear test: Q&A

SEOUL, (APP/AFP) – North Korea conducted a
fifth nuclear test on Friday, an underground blast that Seoul quickly labelled its “most powerful to date”.
Here are some key questions around the blast and the isolated state’s
nuclear programme.

What do we know so far?

Seismologists detected a powerful artificial earthquake at 0030 GMT Friday,
which they said was centred around Punggye-ri, North Korea’s nuclear test site.
South Korea says it believes the quake was caused by the testing of a
nuclear device, with a yield of 10 kilotons. That would make it the most
powerful of Pyongyang’s five nuclear tests to date.

Why have they carried out another test?
The North Korean leadership says a credible nuclear deterrent is
critical to the nation’s survival, claiming it is under constant threat from an aggressive United States.
Although it has regularly threatened neighbouring South Korea, its
main priority is developing a effective strike threat against the US mainland.
It has always insisted it will continue testing, ignoring global
condemnation and toughened UN sanctions.
Its first nuclear test was in 2006. That was followed by one in 2009
and another in 2013. The most recent test was in January this year.
Experts say the tests are likely aimed at refining designs and
reliability as well as increasing yield.
Outside monitors will analyse the yield from Friday’s test to try to
determine whether it signals any fresh breakthrough.