International News

Olympics: IOC gets tough with Tokyo 2020 golf venue

TOKYO, (MILLAT/APP/AFP) – The International Olympic Committee
(IOC) on Thursday issued a sharp warning to the private club set to host golf at the 2020 Tokyo Games: admit women or you’re out.
On a visit to Tokyo to check on the city’s Olympic preparations, IOC
vice president John Coates said the Kasumigaseki Country Club in Saitama prefecture was running out of time to change its policy of refusing to grant full membership to women.
“Our principles are based on non-discrimination, that’s the position
we’ve made quite clear,” Coates, chairman of the coordination commission which oversees preparations for the Olympics, told reporters.
“There has been progress — as recently as this week there have been
more discussions with the club (to suggest) it’s heading in the right direction for them to have a non-discriminatory membership procedure,” he added, flagging the end of June as a possible time frame to resolve the awkward standoff.
Earlier this month, the club’s chairman told local media he was
“flummoxed” by the row, prompting further criticism of its policies.
Coates insisted, however, that if the current impasse dragged on
beyond June, the IOC would be forced to look for alternative venues.
“At some point there has to be a cut-off,” said the Australian,
adding that there was still plenty of time to find another golf club.
“We’ve got to be very careful because we are going there by their
grace. I respect that it’s a private club but our position is clear. We will only go to a club that has non-discrimination.”