International News

Pakistani Americans hail formation to probe Panama Issue

WASHINGTON, (APP): Members of the Pakistani American Community
hailed Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s address in parliament to respond to concerns over Panama Papers and formation of a parliamentary committee to probe the controversial issue.
Perturbed over the state of affairs in their motherland, many prominent
members of the Pakistani American community in the metropolitan Washington area and from neighbouring states of Maryland and Virginia called for avoiding steps that could derail the hard-earned democracy after years of dictatorial governments.
A leading member of Pakistani-American doctor’s association, APPNA, Dr
Talha Siddiqui hailed a decision by the Prime Minister to clarify his position before the parliament which, he said, was a supreme legislation body and should be allowed to address and decide on issues of national importance.
He said the Prime Minister gave details of where the money came from to
buy assets in London and if there were any questions regarding his statement, the parliamentary committee formed to probe the issue, should be allowed to look into it.
Asked for his observations, Dr Siddiqui said that he did not see any
wrongdoings if the assets in London were bought from money raised from a sale of factory outside Pakistan.”There is no violation of rules here, so why this hue and cry,” he added.
Another prominent community leader, President Pakistan
Link USA, Hamid Malik said it was a good development that both the government and opposition have agreed to form the parliamentary committee to probe the allegations related to Panama papers.
“This is how people behave in a democratic society.If there is a
problem, there is a way to decide such issues instead of resorting to undemocratic methods like protests and ‘dharna’ (sit-in),” he observed.
Another prominent Pakistani American, Zafar Iqbal Ahmed said that the
entire Pakistani American community was perturbed over the recent unrest in the wake of Panama papers which is threatening to derail achievements in the areas of economy and in fighting terrorism.
“The launch of Zarb-e-Azb military operation strengthened our position
in the United States and the Pakistani community can now tell critics of Pakistan that we are determined to root out extremism from our society and address global concerns on terrorism,” Ahmed said.
But the recent political turmoil is threatening to roll back all such
efforts which is evident from a recent decision by the US Congress to
withheld US fund for buying F-16 aircraft for Pakistan, he said and urged the lawmakers in Pakistan to play their due role in preserving democracy in the country.
On the Panama paper controversy, a Financial expert Tariq Shafi said
that according to various financial experts in the United States, investing in offshore companies is not illegal.But, he added that if there were any concerns over such investments, the parliament can make legislation to prevent such controversies in future.”If people know that the country’s law does not allow investment in offshore companies, they will not do it and if anybody does that he or she can then be held accountable”.
Dr Anjum Khan of George Washington University Hospital criticized PTI
leader Imran Khan for instigating Panama papers controversy when he himself made an investment in offshore companies.”How come one thing right for him is wrong for other.Khan has no moral authority to even raise the issue if he has done the same,” Dr Khan added.