International News

Poroshenko appeals to Trump for support in phone call

KIEV, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Ukranian president Petro Poroshenko
asked Donald Trump for support against “Russian aggression” during a congratulatory telephone conversation with the US president-elect on Tuesday.
Trump’s shock election victory has been met with trepidation in Kiev
because of the outspoken reality TV star’s praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and his apparent indifference to the Western coalition against Moscow.
The billionaire businessman suggested earlier this year the US could
accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea if it led to improved relations between the two nations, which are bitterly at odds over Syria.
Poroshenko congratulated Trump on his victory and said he wished “to
work together with his administration to further strengthen the strategic
partnership between Ukraine and the United States”, according to a statement by the Ukranian presidency.