International News

Pro-Russian candidate set to win Moldova presidency

CHISINAU, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Pro-Russian candidate Igor Dodon was on
the brink late Sunday of being declared winner of Moldova’s presidential runoff, viewed as an East-West choice in the impoverished ex-Soviet country.
With 97 percent of ballots counted, Socialist Party chief Dodon had
55.3 percent of the votes, according to the electoral commission, with pro-European rival Maia Sandu on 44.7 percent.
“We have won, everyone knows it,” Dodon told a late-night press conference.
Official results were due to be announced at 0800 GMT on Monday.
The vote marks the first time in 16 years that Moldova — wracked by
corruption scandals in recent years — is electing its leader by national vote instead of having parliament select the head of state.
Wedged between Ukraine and Romania, the tiny nation of 3.5 million people is caught in a political tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
Dodon had come out top in the first round of voting on October 30
with 48 percent ahead of Sandu, a centre-right former education minister who worked for the World Bank, with 38 percent.
The two candidates have diametrically opposed visions for Moldova’s future.
Dodon — who served as economy minister under a communist government
between 2006 and 2009 — is calling for deeper ties and boosting trade with
Sandu meanwhile urged a path towards Europe, calling for the withdrawal of thousands of Russian troops from the Russian-speaking separatist region of Transdniester, which broke away in the early 1990s after a brief civil war.
Moldova signed a historic EU association agreement in 2014, and half of its exports now go to the bloc.
The move was bitterly opposed by Russia, which responded with an embargo targeting Moldova’s crucial agriculture sector.
“I and all my friends voted for Igor Dodon since he promises to restore the strategic partnership with Russia,” said Vasilii Blindu, a 70-year-old pensioner in the northern town of Balti.
But Chisinau student Marcel Pruna, 22, said he backed Sandu because she will “carry out reforms in practice, not just in words”.
Both candidates criticised the vote as badly organised, highlighting the shortage of ballot papers for overseas voters. More than 4,000 Moldovan and international observers were on hand to monitor the vote.
Turnout was 53.3 percent, the electoral commission said.