International News

Republicans maintain grip on power in US Congress

WASHINGTON, Nov 9, (APP/AFP) – Republicans thwarted
Democratic efforts to retake Congress in Tuesday’s historic US
election, using a show of conservative force to maintain control
of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Riding the coattails of populist Republican nominee Donald
Trump, who proved no drag on fellow conservatives as he steamrolled
to White House victory over Hillary Clinton, the party managed to
repel the Democrats’ sharp threat in the 100-member Senate.
The chamber was in Republican hands, 54 to 46 and in danger
of sliding into Democratic control. But they rallied to minimize
their losses, with incumbents in the battleground states of
Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin snatching crucial
victories to prevent a blue takeover.
“This is a big night for Republicans, a testament to
what can be accomplished when our party comes together,”
Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said in
a statement.
“With a Republican Congress firmly in place and Donald
Trump in the White House, we can get to work on fixing Washington
and bringing prosperity back to the American people.”
Just days ago, polls predicted a four-seat swing or higher
in favor of Clinton’s Democrats, in large part because Republicans
held 24 of the 34 seats up for grabs in 2016. But it was not
meant to be.