International News

Russian ex-spy’s poisoned daughter says growing stronger

Russian ex-spy’s poisoned daughter says growing stronger

London, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Russian woman who was poisoned last month alongside her former spy father said she is recovering, in her first public statement since the attack, as Moscow and London unleashed a new war of words during a bitter session at the UN Security Council.
Britain blames Russia for the March 4 poisoning on UK soil of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with what it says was a Soviet-made military-grade nerve agent, a charge the Kremlin furiously denies.
The crisis has sent relations between Russia and the West plummeting with the biggest wave of tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats in recent memory. In the latest expulsions, some 60 US diplomats who were ordered to leave flew out of Moscow airport early Thursday.
A few hours later British authorities released a statement from Yulia commenting on her recovery.
“I woke up over a week ago now and am glad to say my strength is growing daily,” she was quoted as saying in comments released by the police.
That statement came on a day of furious rhetoric between Moscow and London at the UN Security Council.