International News

Russian strikes slow rebel assault in Syria’s Aleppo: monitor

BEIRUT, (APP/AFP): Russian warplanes pounded the southern edges of Syria’s Aleppo city overnight, slowing a “last chance” rebel offensive against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, a monitor said Tuesday.
Militants and rebel groups launched a major assault Sunday on the southern edges of the divided city in a bid to break a government siege of eastern opposition-held neighbourhoods.
But government fighters backed by Russia’s air force have put up a fierce defence of the southwestern outskirts.
“The Russian raids didn’t stop all night on the front lines” there, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a
British-based monitoring group.
“This has slowed the offensive and allowed regime troops to retake five of the eight positions that rebels had taken since Sunday,” he added.
Abdel Rahman said opposition fighters from the Fateh al-Sham Front,
formerly Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, and allied Islamists were
struggling to hold positions they had seized.
The primary goal of the rebel assault is to seize the Ramussa district on the city’s southern outskirts, used as the main access route for regime forces and civilians living in government-controlled parts of Aleppo.
Capturing Ramussa would simultaneously cut off government forces and give rebels a new access route to their besieged neighbourhoods in east Aleppo.
The Observatory said 50 rebels and allied militants had been killed since the operation began on Sunday, as well as dozens of regime troops.
At least 30 civilians have been killed since Sunday in opposition
bombardment of government-held southwestern districts of Aleppo, the
monitor said.
The city was once Syria’s economic powerhouse but has been ravaged
by fighting, particularly in recent months as rebels and the regime each
try to assert control.