International News

Russia’s London embassy condemns ‘lame’ US over sanctions

LONDON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Russia’s embassy in
London on Thursday condemned the United States as “lame”, arguing Washington’s decision to impose sanctions on Moscow harked back to the Cold War between the two nations.
“President Obama expels 35 (Russian flag) diplomats in Cold War deja
vu. As everybody, incl (US flag) people, will be glad to see the last of this hapless Adm (US administration),” the embassy’s wrote on its Twitter account.
The tweet was accompanied by a photo of a duck with “lame” written
across the image, referring to the phrase lame duck when describing outgoing
The embassy’s post followed the US’s announcement earlier on Thursday
of a series of measures against Russia, including expelling 35 agents.
Tough sanctions will additionally be imposed on Russia’s top two
intelligence agencies, while two Russian compounds in the US will also be shut down.
President Barack Obama said the measures come after private and
public warnings to the Russian government, following accusations against Russia over hacking during the US presidential race.
“I have ordered a number of actions in response to the Russian
government’s aggressive harassment of US officials and cyber operations aimed at the US election,” Obama said.
The US president will be succeeded by Republican Donald Trump, who
has downplayed the accusations against Russia and earlier this week dismissed Obama’s plans to impose sanctions.