International News

Samsung’s prestige takes another hit over lawsuit

SEOUL, Oct 25 (APP/AFP): A South Korean law firm said Tuesday that it expected thousands more people to join a class action lawsuit seeking compensation from Samsung over its combusting Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. Seoul-based Harvest Law filed the initial suit on Monday on behalf of 527 Note 7 buyers — demanding 500,000 won (US$440) per plaintiff for time and effort lost during a chaotic recall process that turned into a PR nightmare for the world’s largest smartphone maker. Although the sums involved — even when accumulated — are tiny for a giant like Samsung, the lawsuit illustrates the dent the Note 7 fiasco has made in the prestige of a company used to be being treated as corporate royalty in South Korea. Its new-found vulnerability was further underlined this week by the decision of a South Korean investment advisory firm to recommended shareholders vote against the nomination to the Samsung board of vice chairman J.Y. Lee — the family-run conglomerate’s heir apparent.