International News

Splits plunge S.Africa’s liberation party into turmoil

JOHANNESBURG, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – South Africa’s government has descended into open warfare as a clash between President Jacob Zuma and his finance minister unveils rivalries that could tip the country into instability. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) party looks set for worsening strife as its divided leadership struggles with falling popular support, a weakening economy and violent student protests. Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, a respected ANC veteran who was heading for a peaceful retirement until his appointment last year, has emerged as the unlikely figurehead of opposition to Zuma. Gordhan, 67, will next month appear in court on criminal charges that he says are a politically-motivated attempt to oust him after he stood up to Zuma and alleged corrupt associates linked to the presidency. Gordhan’s cause has attracted some significant backers — not least Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa as well as several other ministers.