International News

Students stage walk-out from classes to protest Trump’s victory

WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP): Students in two American states joined the
growing chorus against the Republican President-elect Donald Trump, as people in the United States were still trying to come to grip with the shocking results of the US Presidential election which unexpectedly dumped Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton.
In a rare instance, hundreds of students of Los-Angeles area walked out
of their classrooms on Monday to register their protest against Trump, Los Angeles Times and media reports said. They were demanding local officials to protect “targeted communities”.
Hundreds of students at a high school in another state, Maryland, also
walked out of classes and took to the street to protest Trump’s election, to be joined by more students from other nearby schools. Students from another high school, this time from the capital Washington D.C., planned to hold similar protests on Tuesday outside the new Trump hotel, just a few blocks away from the White House.
People from minority communities are still in a state of shock after
Trump defied all polls and predictions to clinch an unlikely victory. His remarks against Latino and Muslim communities are seen to have won the White voters for Trump who are generally against the large-scale immigration. According to a report, several million new white votes were polled in the last week election.
Students in Los Angles, according to the organizers, were protesting
against Trump’s avowed policy of mass deportation of illegal immigrants; the construction of wall between the United States and Mexico, repeal of the existing Obamacare Act and many other issues, including his remarks against Muslims who, he first said, should be banned from entering the United States.
“This is the time to show our targeted community members that we stand
in unity with them and exercise our right to protest to ensure that Los Angeles County leaders commit to doing everything in their power to protect and support all vulnerable communities,” the statement from the organizers said.
In Maryland, students streamed onto the school’s football field for a
walk-out that soon turned into a large march, drawing students from other schools.
“Not our president; No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here,”
students raised slogans, saying that being minors they could not vote and protests were the most effective way to raise concerns about the president-elect.
Some protesters said they joined the anti-Trump protests to show
solidarity with people who felt alienated during Trump’s campaign, including immigrants, Muslims, women and minorities.
There have been protests in schools in California, Minneapolis. Protests
have also been held last week at major US college campuses.
Women and men across the United States are also planning to attend a
“Women’s March on Washington” the day after the inauguration of Trump on January 20.