International News

Syria rebels say Western strikes ‘farce’ as long as Assad stays

Syria rebels say Western strikes ‘farce’ as long as Assad stays

Beirut, Lebanon, (MILLAT ONLINE):Syria’s opposition Saturday said Western strikes on government military positions did not go far enough, with
rebels casting them as a “farce” as long as President Bashar al-Assad remains in power.
The US, UK, and French strikes came after an alleged chemical attack a week ago on the rebel
holdout of Douma outside Damascus, which rescuers and medics said killed more than 40 people.
“Punishing the instrument of the crime while keeping the criminal — a farce,” wrote Mohammad
Alloush, a key member of the Jaish al-Islam rebel group that was in control of Douma.
Other members of the opposition complained the strikes would not stop Assad from killing civilians with conventional weapons.
Nasr al-Hariri, president of the mainstream Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC), said Assad would keep using other deadly weapons.