International News

Thousands demonstrate against scandal-hit Malaysia PM

KUALA LUMPUR, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Thousands of yellow-clad Malaysians
gathered in the capital Saturday to demand Prime Minister Najib Razak resign over a corruption scandal, as protesters braced for clashes with pro-government rightists.
For the second time in 15 months, leading reformist group Bersih has
organised a demonstration to demand Najib resign and face justice over
allegations that billions were looted from his brainchild investment fund, 1MDB.
Tensions have spiralled in recent weeks following threats by the
rightist “Red Shirts” group to confront their “Yellow Shirts” opponents.
The government arrested the leaders of both sides in the hours
leading up to the rally, but it was unclear if the crackdown would further inflame the situation.
Riot police were seen at potential flashpoints and traffic in and
around the capital was crippled by a maze of road closures put in place overnight. No violence was initially reported.
“We want a clean government. We want fair elections,” said Derek
Wong, 38, a real estate agent who was among thousands of high-spirited Bersih marchers, many banging drums and blowing vuvuzelas.