International News

Trump, Clinton heavy favorites going into Super Tuesday

FAIRFAX, United States, (APP/AFP): White House hopefuls
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are poised to pass a point of no return on Super Tuesday, if as expected they outrun their rivals on the biggest voting day of the primary season.
With just hours to go before polls open, the Republican and
Democratic frontrunners fended off rivals and appealed to supporters in a dozen states, a day before they head to polls.
If they win big as the presidential nomination race broadens
following a string of statewide votes, it could spell doom for their challengers.
Clinton was riding high after thrashing rival Bernie Sanders in South
Carolina over the weekend, securing an astronomical 86 percent of the
African-American vote.
But she was leaving nothing to chance, traveling to multiple states
to urge a strong turnout.
“I need your help to go and vote tomorrow, to bring people to vote
with you,” she implored a crowd in Springfield, Massachusetts on Monday.
She also took aim at the increasingly hostile campaign rhetoric on
the Republican side led by the brash real estate mogul Trump.