International News

Trump, Clinton zero in on battlegrounds in final sprint

WASHINGTON, Oct 25, (APP/AFP) – Donald Trump urged Americans Monday to “rise above the noise” of the caustic 2016 race and elect him president, as he insisted he is winning against Hillary Clinton despite polls that show the opposite. Casting the election as a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to reject the nation’s political elite, the provocative Republican billionaire insisted he was the voice of the American everyman and essentially urged voters to ignore his 18-month candidacy of overheated rhetoric. “You’ve got to get out and vote,” Trump told an enthusiastic crowd in Tampa, Florida, as early voting kicked off in the state barely two weeks before Election Day November 8. “I’m asking the American people to rise above the noise and the clutter and to embrace the faith and optimism that is… the most crucial ingredient of the American character.”