International News

Trump in Detroit this week to talk cars and deregulation

Trump will head this week to Detroit to meet with auto industry executives and workers to discuss deregulation, one of his major policy promises, the White House said Monday.
“On Wednesday, the president will visit Detroit for a trip focusing on job creation and automobile manufacturing,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.
“He will meet with auto executives and workers and manufacturing suppliers, highlighting the need to eliminate burdensome regulation that needlessly hinders job growth.”
Several US media outlets reported that the Republican president could take the opportunity to announce a review of vehicle emissions standards put in place by his predecessor Barack Obama.
Trump, who is determined to keep firms from sending jobs abroad, has
criticized several major automakers, including General Motors, Ford and Toyota.
Those companies and others responded by making high-profile announcements that they will invest in jobs and operations in the United States.
The billionaire businessman, who was elected on a promise to promote the “Made in America” label, has also pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.
The treaty says that if at least 65 percent of a car’s parts are made in North America, then that vehicle can be sold on US soil with any import taxes.