International News

Trump names H.R. McMaster as national security advisor

WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (MILLAT) – Donald Trump tapped respected Army lieutenant general H.R. McMaster as his national security advisor Monday, hoping to course correct after his first pick resigned and his second turned
down the vital post.
Trump announced the counterinsurgency strategist’s appointment at his
Florida holiday estate Mar-a-Lago, ending a one-week search to replace Michael Flynn, who lasted less than a month on the job.
Flynn was forced to resign on February 13, after questionable contacts with the Russian government and revelations that he lied about them to the vice president and the FBI.
Trump scrambled to replace Flynn after retired vice admiral Robert Harward turned down the post, amid a wrangling over lower-level NSC appointments and a meandering Trump press conference.
The White House said that Trump “gave full authority for McMaster to hire whatever staff he sees fit.”