International News

‘Trump wins big’ China firm sees stock surge

BEIJING, Nov 9, (Millat/APP/AFP): A Chinese company whose name sounds like
“Trump wins big” saw its stock surge Wednesday as the Republican candidate’s odds improved in the US presidential poll.
Shares in Shenzhen-listed Wisesoft, a computer software company whose
Chinese name “chuan da zhi sheng” is a homophone for “Trump wins big”, rose 4.6 percent by the noon break, even as the wider market fell.
At the same time shares in the Yunnan Xiyi Industrial company, whose
name sounds like the Mandarin word for “Hillary shares” plunged 9.5 percent on the Shenzhen exchange.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was down 1.32 percent to 3,106.23 and the Shenzhen Composite Index was off 1.39 percent to 2,051.62.
The US presidential election has drawn widespread interest in China,
with people sharing images of the rolling election results on the popular social media platform WeChat.
Global markets slumped on the swing towards Trump, with the
Republican projected to win key states and increasingly likely to carry an election that had previously seemed secure for Clinton.
Indian stocks plunged 6 percent, Tokyo shares dropped 5.5 percent and Hong Kong shares fell just under 3 percent in morning trading.