International News

Trumps picks women, including a critic, for cabinet

PALM BEACH, United States, (MILLAT+APP/AFP): Donald Trump began to
broaden the base of his future cabinet Wednesday, nominating two conservative women including a critic, after his earlier picks rewarded campaign loyalists.
Trump’s nomination of South Carolina’s 44-year-old governor, Nikki
Haley, as US ambassador to the United Nations will be seen as a sign he is ready to forgive some foes to raise a bigger tent.
But his choice of wealthy activist Betsy DeVos, a champion of
alternatives to local government schools, as education secretary, was another victory for social conservatives.
Trump’s one-time presidential rival, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson,
appeared to be next in line for the nod — reportedly as housing secretary — after he posted on social media that an announcement was imminent.
Trump’s choice of Haley for the UN was announced amid reports that Trump is considering another vocal critic — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney — for the key post of secretary of state.
And it followed a cordial chat between Trump and The New York Times, a newspaper he considers hostile, in which he softened his stance on climate change, torture and prosecuting his defeated rival Hillary Clinton.
The 70-year-old property tycoon also told the Times that he is “seriously, seriously considering” appointing widely respected retired Marine general James Mattis as his defense secretary.