International News

Two dead in Germany floods

BERLIN, (APP/AFP) – At least two people died
and several more were injured in the south of Germany after torrential storms caused severe flooding, with a third person also feared dead, authorities said on Monday.
In Schwaebisch Gmuend near the city of Stuttgart, a volunteer
firefighter died on Sunday trying to rescue a man trapped in a flooded railway station, the municipal authorities said.
It was not immediately clear whether the man who was trapped survived
the ordeal.
In Weissbach, just to the north, a 60-year-old man died in a flooded
underground garage on the same day.
The regional authorities in the southern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg
put the number of injured at below 10.
Violent storms and torrential rain on Sunday evening and during the
night caused severe damage in the regional state.
A number of people had to be rescued from their cars trapped in the
The German news agency DPA said that a river brokes its banks in
Braunsbach, destroying one house and damaging several others.
Eyewitnesses posted videos on social network sites showing cars being
carried away by the floods and crashing into shop windows.