International News

Ukraine’s Poroshenko asks embattled PM to resign

KIEV, Feb 16, (APP/AFP) – Ukrainian President Petro
Poroshenko on Tuesday asked Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to stand down in the face of the government’s perceived failure to fight endemic corruption and overcome its deep economic crisis.
Poroshenko’s dramatic intervention came as opinion polls showed
growing public disenchantment with the pro-Western team that took over the leadership of the former Soviet nation after the 2014 revolt.
Parliament was already considering Tuesday holding a vote of no
confidence in the government after first listening to Yatsenyuk account for his 2015 performance and plans for this year.
A stony-faced Yatsenyuk arrived in parliament just moments after the
president’s statement was released.
He did not directly address Poroshenko’s request during his prepared
remarks but could be forced to tackle the issue during a parliamentary question and answer session.
“We will accept any decision of this parliament,” Yatsenyuk said.
“But regardless what is decided, I ask parliament, the president and
the responsible political classes to move further along the path of reforms.”
Poroshenko himself said the current cabinet had lost the public’s
trust and support.
“It is not clear that successful reforms can only be conducted by a
government that enjoys sufficiently high public support?” Poroshenko said in a statement.
“In order to restore trust, therapy is no longer enough — you need
Poroshenko said all four parties that comprise parliament’s current
pro-Western coalition should take part “in a complete cabinet reshuffle”.
Any Yatsenyuk resignation must still be approved by parliament — a
step that is likely considering the level of lawmakers’ dissatisfaction with the current cabinet.
But the government’s collapse could jeopardise the delivery of a
massive IMF-led rescue package aimed at reviving Ukraine’s shattered economy and putting it on a course toward sustainable growth.