International News

UN chief calls for family care-giving on int’l families day

UNITED NATIONS, (APP) : On International Day of Families, UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on governments, businesses and institutions to recognize that care-giving is an essential part of family life.
“Everyone needs care from family members at some point in their lives –
and all should be able to provide that care when the need arises,” he secretary-general in a message on the day.
Ban noted that the rise of violent extremism, the effects of forced
displacement, extreme weather events and other challenges are taking a heavy toll on the health and integrity of families in crisis situations.
“Governments must support the crucial role of families in all their
diverse forms,” said Ban. “Leaving no one behind means leaving no family behind.”
The International Day of Families is observed annually on May 15. The
Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families.