International News

UN voices concern for some 300,000 people trapped in war-torn Syrian city of Aleppo

UNITED NATIONS, July 10 (APP): The United Nations Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has
expressed serious concern for the estimated 300,000 people
trapped in eastern Syrian city of Aleppo, due to heavy clashes
along the Castello road, the only road in and out of that part of
the city.
“Heavy fighting over the past few days has continued to put
civilians at risk of death and injury while effectively cutting off humanitarian’s access to people in need of assistance,” a
UN spokesperson told reporters today in New York.
This follows intensified fighting by all parties to the
conflict in Aleppo City and surrounding areas in recent
weeks, including reports of airstrikes, shelling, and heavy
clashes, causing many civilian deaths and injuries. It has also caused damage to schools, hospitals, and other civilian
infrastructure, and hindered humanitarian aid operations.
The spokesperson reiterated the UN’s call on all parties
to the conflict to take measures to protect civilians, as
required under international humanitarian law, in order to
safeguard the lives of all civilians living in Aleppo city and
added: “We also call on all parties to the conflict to take all
measures to facilitate humanitarian access, particularly to
eastern Aleppo city, as required under international humanitarian law.”