International News

US high court allows death row inmate to get defense funds

US high court allows death row inmate to get defense funds

Washington, (MILLAT ONLINE):The US Supreme Court strongly reaffirmed Wednesday that a destitute criminal has a right to funds needed to finance his defense, in a ruling that gave new hope to a Texas death row inmate.
In a unanimous ruling, the highest court in the land threw out an appellate court decision that restricted Honduran prisoner Carlos Manuel Ayestas’s ability to put together evidence that could reduce his guilt in the eyes of the law.
The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in relying on a “more demanding” norm “did not apply the correct legal standard in affirming the denial of petitioner’s funding request.”
Ayestas was sentenced to death for having tied up and beaten to death a 67-year-woman whose home he robbed with two accomplices in 1995.
His defense team claims Ayestas has been a drug addict, a victim of traumatic brain injuries and suffers from severe psychological ailments.
He was sentenced in Harris County, Texas, which holds the record for the highest number of executions in the United States. That county alone has put more inmates to death than each of the other US states that still apply the death penalty.
Under the federal Criminal Justice Act, a defendant has the right to receive such funds for his defense when “reasonably necessary” to assemble evidence that could see him exonerated from the death penalty.
The Fifth Circuit court interpreted the law as meaning a defendant had to demonstrate there was a “substantial need” for such services.