International News

US leadership ‘as important as ever’: NATO chief

BRUSSELS, Nov 9, (APP/AFP) – US leadership is essential
in facing up to new security challenges, NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday as he congratulated Donald Trump on a stunning US election victory.
“We face a challenging new security environment, including hybrid
warfare, cyberattacks, the threat of terrorism. US leadership is as important as ever,” Stoltenberg said.
“I look forward to working with President-elect Trump,” he added.
Trump caused consternation during the campaign when he suggested
Washington would think twice about coming to the aid of an endangered NATO ally if it had not paid its dues, casting doubt on the US-led alliance’s core collective defence commitment.
Asked about these remarks, Stoltenberg said “all allies have made a
olemn commitment to defend each other, this is absolute and unconditioned.”
“These security guarantees are important for Europe but they are also
important for the United States,” he said.
He recalled that the only time NATO’s “all for one, one for all”
defence guarantee has been invoked was after the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States.
“Our alliance has brought together America’s closest friends in times
of peace and of conflict for almost 70 years. A strong NATO is good for the United States and good for Europe,” he said.