International News

Workers mourn Brussels airport attack in silent vigil

BRUSSELS, Mar 24 (APP/AFP): Hundreds of workers from the Brussels
airport hit by a terror attack carried flowers and candles on Wednesday for a silent march and vigil near the still shuttered facility.
Some wore their work access cards, armbands and fluorescent safety
vests for the memorial just next to Zaventem Airport, where at least 15 people were killed in Tuesday’s suicide bombings.
“It could have happened to me,” said Gregory Lupant, a security
guard, who added he was worried about colleagues “who had not been heard from, and others who had lost a leg or finger.”
The airport employs some 20,000 people, many of whom live nearby.
Some of the staff brought their families for the emotional gathering, where workers hugged each other and recounted where they were when the explosions happened.
“I was lucky, but I feel bad about the others,” said Leila, who works
at an airport boutique, but was off on Tuesday.