National News

All 14 questions JIT asked to sharif family during investigation

Question 1: You affirmed the presence of record of Azizia and Gulf Steel Mills. However, your counsel denied it
Appearing before the Supreme Court, your lawyer declined the presence of such document
Question 2: What record did your sons submit regarding Azizia and Gulf Steel Mills
Question 3: Have you brought any documents that you want to submit with us
Question 4: What do you know about the settlement of Al-Tawfiq Company’s debt
Question 5: Was matter of London flats put on table at the time when family assets were distributed
Question 6: But, Hussain Nawaz says he owns these flats? It is despite the fact that Hassan Nawaz has been residing there for over a decade
Question 7: Do you know about the trust deed between Hassan and Maryam Nawaz
Question 8: Is Saeed Ahmed of National Bank known to you? Did you have any business ties with him
Question 9: Do you know the Qazi family as well
Question 10: Do you know Sheikh Saeed

Question 11: Did any settlement take place regarding the loans of Chaudhry and Ramzan Sugar Mills with the NAB

Kindly inform us about this loan settlement.
Question 12: Have you dispatched any money abroad for members of your family
Question 13: Did you use the money you received from Hill Metal Company for political funding
Question 14: The money from Hill Metal Company came under foreign funding