National News

AAC slams search operations weeks ahead of Jan 26

مقبوضہ کشمیر مسلم

AAC slams search operations weeks ahead of Jan 26

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Awami Action Committee (AAC) led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has expressed serious concerns over the launch of cordon and search operations and door-to-door searches by Indian troops, weeks ahead of Jan 26, the India’s Republic Day.
The AAC in a statement issued in held Srinagar said the entire Valley has been turned into a military fortress and Indian forces have launched massive search operations everywhere in Srinagar to harass the people, KMS reported.
It said that India’s tall claims about flourishing peace and democracy proved hoax as the ground situation in occupied Kashmir continued to give a different picture on all fronts. “Pedestrians are frisked, vehicles and commuters are searched, door-to-door searches of residential houses are conducted and even mobile and laptops of youth are checked thoroughly,” it said.
The ACC while condemning these tactics ahead of India’s Republic Day as breach of privacy and violation of basic human rights of the individuals said that all this was witnessed at a time when the puppet regime made tall claims of the prevalence of peace and flourishing of democracy in occupied Kashmir.
It also took a dig at the puppet authorities for imposing frequent curbs in the downtown areas of Srinagar thereby choking the economic prospects of the business community there besides casting a shadow on the career of young students who are deprived of right to education as they find it tough to make it to educational institutions due to stringent curbs in place every now and then.
The AAC stated that the youth are rounded up and lodged in various police stations in the Indian forces’ drive ahead of Jan 26 as if they are criminals and there is hardly any area in the occupied territory where people don’t feel scared and harassed due to the over-presence of Indian troops.
It said these repressive measures are aimed at keeping the resistance leadership away from the people and to suppress the legitimate Kashmir movement through military might.
The AAC also said, time stands witness to the fact that peoples’ movements across the globe succeeded while military might had to taste defeat and in Kashmir people’s resolve and commitment towards the movement is an indicator that the ongoing struggle is destined to succeed as they are committed to safeguard the sacrifices of their martyrs and to take the liberation struggle to its logical conclusion.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of sixth death anniversary of prominent AAC leader, Advocate Abdur Rouf Dalal, the party paid rich tributes to him stating that the deceased was always active on social, religious and political fronts and that his contribution to the Kashmir cause would always be remembered.